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Meet the Teacher | Nam Nishan

Nam Nishan Singh's journey with yoga and meditation began in 2009 alongside his performing career as an actor in New York City. Overwhelmed by the emotions that came along with constant auditioning and dealing with rejection, he searched for a way out of the negative self-talk and feelings of disconnection. A friend and Kundalini Yoga instructor introduced him to the practice and he was immediately hooked. This was a way of physically confronting unwanted emotions in a safe environment that lead to noticeable results.

Why I teach

I teach because I love the practice and I want to share the amazing benefits that I have received with whoever is willing to learn.

My teaching style

I am a life-long learner, so I bring that into my classes and try to get yogis to walk away having learned something new in class. Kundalini can be very mystical and I like to take the mystery out and explain the what- and why- of it with a bit of fun and light-hearted laughter.

My favourite meditation

My go-to meditation is always Calm Heart. It's simple, I can do it anywhere, and it works in just three minutes.

My favourite kriya

"Opportunity and Green Energy Set" from Gururattana Kaur's book Transitions to a Heart-Cenetered World... which also happens to be my favourite collection of kriyas. This set has everything. It has a bit of meditation, a bit of chanting, a bit of cardio, and a whole bunch of feel-goods.

My favourite mantra

Lately, I have been leaning towards "Dharti Hai, Akash Hai, Guru Ram Das Hai" the mantra for presence. Presence (especially with the people in front of me) is something I am always trying to cultivate in this very digitally-distracting world.  I love the new version by Meditative Mind:

Oh, and of course "Bahuta Karam" 24th Pauri of Japji... the prosperity mantra! My favorite version is by Hansu Jot:

My favourite inspirational quote

I have so many favourites that I've begun to collect them on my Instagram @gregjarema. My most recent favourite quote that has become a bit of a mantra in my life is from Abraham-Hicks: "When the success of another makes your heart sing, your resistance is gone and your success soars."

My current daily practice

I have just completed a 1000-day 1-hour Sodarshan Chakra Kriya sadhana, which was a massive commitment. Now, I am just going back through all of the manuals I have collected over the last three years and trying all of the different meditations that I never got around to doing!

Try a class with Nam Nishan

I teach the Classic Kundalini class on Thursday mornings at 7am, which you can sign up for here: