In this series, we meet the teachers who are leading the classes and workshops at JOY, and learn about their personal Kundalini Yoga practice.
Read MoreThrough practicing Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, we can learn techniques that stimulate the vagus nerve and allow our body to return to a state of relaxation, improving both our emotional and physical wellbeing.
Read MoreOne of the many yogic tools you can use in times of instability and change is mantra. Mantras can cut through negativity and bring you back to YOU.
Read MoreThe process of living authentically and embracing who we really are requires strength, courage, and determination. If you are feeling afraid or fearful lately, try Archer Pose to transform that fear into courage.
Read MoreAngad Kaur, Kundalini yoga teacher at JOY and consultant in Karam Kriya Spiritual Numerology and Kundalini Therapy has shared with us the numerology of 2021 and how the numbers may guide us through the year.
Read MoreKundalini Yoga and Meditation helps us to cultivate a meditative or neutral mind. So when you're triggered, you can go within, reconnect with a neutral state, and access your intuition.
Read MoreThe process of living authentically and embracing who we really are requires strength, courage, and determination. If you are feeling afraid or fearful lately, try Archer Pose to transform that fear into courage.
Read MoreBeyond the onslaught of commercialism, Valentine’s Day can also have meaning and value – it can be an opportunity to remember that we are all born out of the vastness of love that is the Divine which lives and breathes within us.
Read MoreMany people find the prospect of going to White Tantric Yoga at least a little bit daunting. It can seem overwhelming to sit through a whole day of meditation. Here are some tips to help you get through the day.
Read MoreIf there's a short list of most beloved Kundalini mantras, the Guru Ram Das chant would be at the top. It was Yogi Bhajan’s personal mantra, it’s the capstone of Aquarian Sadhana, and it pops up frequently in Kundalini classes.
Read MoreA pranayam to keep you cool, Sitali breath can break a fever, cool you down, and relieve anger. Learn how to practice this ancient pranayam.
Read MoreEstablish a sense of security within yourself with Shiv Kriya. In this Kundalini meditation, you’ll listen to the mantra Rakhe Rakhanhaar, while holding a simple (but unusual!) mudra.
Read MoreA simple but powerful exercise that can completely renew you. Among the benefits of Panj Graani Kriya, are increased lung capacity, strengthened nervous system, and increased vitality.
Read MoreIf you must shop, shop consciously…
Read MoreA meditation to help you weather periods of transition and give you a strong sense of your own self. This meditation can also strengthen the heart, build courage, and stimulate the flow of prana.
Read MoreProsperity comes in many forms. Sometimes the form is a peanut butter sandwich :-)
Read MoreFor many, it might seem absurd to suggest that you give up your warm showers for a jolting, slap-in-the-face cold shower. But taking cold showers – a practice known as Ishnaan Therapy – can keep you healthy, happy, and holy. How do you do it…and perhaps more importantly, why?! Read on…
Read MoreStart your day with a victory! Four simple exercises you can do first thing in the morning (before you even get out of bed!) to jumpstart your day.
Read MoreThe Adi Mantra, or Morning Call, is a staple meditation in a Kundalini Yogi’s diet and is one of the seven mantras chanted during Aquarian Sadhana. Even though it’s a fairly short mantra, there’s a specific prescription for how to chant it and the experience can be quite dynamic physically. Read on for instructions.
Read MoreDespite knowing that there is tremendous potential for self-healing during a 2 ½ hour mediation, if you find the idea of meditating for such a long period of time unappealing, you are not alone. It is fair to say that almost every Kundalini Yogi, at one stage or another, has balked at the prospect of doing a 2 ½ hour meditation. It’s a long time to sit! So how do you rise to the challenge?
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